Responsibility for Content
Andrea Green and Stephan Ebert are
responsible for the content of Ferienwohnungen Ebert/Green website.
The website may contain information about products which are registered
trademarks. In general these brands are not emphasized in the text
explicitly. This does not mean that a product isn't branded or a
registered trademark. The website may contain external links
to other websites. According to the judgement 312 O 85/98 "Haftung
für Links" of the German district court Hamburg from May 18, 1998
we are not liable for the layout of external linked websites.
We don't embrace and dissociate particulary from the content
of external websites. The disclaimer applies to all external links
from websites that are maintained by ourself and link to this
imprint as well as the content of the linked pages.
Layout und Editing
Holiday Flats Ebert & Green
Am Bahnhof 6, 09465 Sehmatal OT Neudorf, Germany
Imprint – Copyright ©2011 Lars Ebert. Alle rights reserved.